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Status API

Status API provides the necessary data for the bot module of the client, currently includes the following APIs

  • init:get all bot initial data
  • refresh:get bot update data


Required When the server uses websocket communication, init will get all the initial data and initialize the client, and websocket will continuously pass refrsh data to the client through broadcasting

API List

- init

Get all current bot init data


When user successfully connects to the bot, data will be pushed to client. When device reconnection (such as resume event), data will be pushed to client again.

    "action": "init",
    "apiKey":"YOUR API KEY"


    "exchange": { //exchange
        "name": "sim", //name 'sim' is paper trading
        "makerFee": 0.1, //exchange maker fee
        "takerFee": 0.1//exchange taker fee
    "symbols": [ // watch symbols
            "product_id": "ETH-USDT", //pair name
            "price": 1858.08, //pair price
            "normalized": "mexc.ETH-USDT",//pair full name
            "min_size": "0.00001",//pair min size
            "asset": "ETH",
            "currency": "USDT",
            "assetCaptial": 0,
            "leverage": 10,//future leverage
            "isolated": false,//future mode
            "usdtProfit": 0,//USDT profit
            "dynamicProfit": 0,//unrealized USDT profit
            "dynamicUsdtProfit": 0,//unrealized USDT profit rate
            "profit": 0,//USDT profit reate
            "signal": null,//signal include 'buying','selling','bought','sold'
            "win": 0,//win count
            "lost": 0,//lost count
            "winLostRate": 0,//win rate
            "trades": [{//pair order list
                "order_id": 1001, //order ID
                "time": 1681111866476,//order time
                "execution_time": 5001,//order execution time
                "slippage": 0,//order slippage
                "type": "buy",//order position type, buy or sell
                "size": "0.10757",//order size
                "fee": 0.19980051799999998,//order fee usdt 
                "price": "1857.40", //order price
                "order_type": "maker",//order type 'maker' or 'taker'
                "action": "BollingerBands_buy_long",//order buy or send strategy type
                "profit": -0.0009999999999999998, //order porfit
                "usdtProfit": -0.19980051799999998,//order profit rate
                "position_side": "long",//order position side 'long' or 'short'
            "lastTradeTime": 0,//last trade time
            "klines": [//kline data
                    "period_id": "m28018427",
                    "time": 1681105620000,
                    "size": "1m",
                    "close_time": 1681105679999,
                    "open": 1863.3,
                    "high": 1863.38,
                    "low": 1862.22,
                    "close": 1862.22,
                    "volume": 45.16688,
                    "strategy": { //kline data straegy
                        "BollingerBands_buyCrossCount": 0,//bb buy point count in this period
                        "BollingerBands_sellCrossCount": 1,//bb sell point count in this period
                        "BollingerBands_buy": false,//if bb has buy point
                        "BollingerBands_sell": false//if bb has sell point
    "status": { //bot status
            "hasConfig": true,//if has config module
            "hasStrategy": true,//if has strategy module
            "hasMarket": true,//if has market module
            "hasBacktest": true,//if has backtest module
            "tradeListLen": 1,//watch pair length
            "startCapital": 1000,//start capital
            "currentCapital": 800.10957177,//current useful capital
            "tradeNum": 12,//traded pair number
            "dynamicUsdtProfit": -0.0290142,//unrealized profit
            "dynamicProfit": -0.0000290142,//unrealized profit rate
            "usdtProfit": -0.19980051799999998,//USDT profit
            "profit": -0.000199800518,//profit rate
            "exchange": "mexc",//bot exchange
            "startTime": 1681111671975,//bot start time
            "timeZoneOffset": -480,//server timezone offset
            "status": "work",//current bot status
            "win": 4,
            "lost": 1,
            "winLostRate": 0.8,
            "totalCapital":999.32 //current capital,include profit and unrealized profit

- refresh

Get current bot update data

The server regularly broadcasts real-time data to the client Broadcast data to the client when a specific event occurs, such as new order is created


    "action": "refresh",
    "apiKey": "YOUR API KEY"


    "action": "refresh",
    "data": {
        "symbols": [ //all pairs
            "product_id": "ETH-USDT", //pair name
            "price": 1858.08, //pair price
            "normalized": "mexc.ETH-USDT",//pair full name
            "min_size": "0.00001",//pair min size
            "asset": "ETH",
            "currency": "USDT",
            "assetCaptial": 0,
            "leverage": 10,// future leverage
            "isolated": false,//future mode
            "usdtProfit": 0,//USDT profit
            "dynamicProfit": 0,//unrealized USDT profit
            "dynamicUsdtProfit": 0,//unrealized USDT profit rate
            "profit": 0,//USDT USDT profit rate
            "signal": null,//signal include 'buying','selling','bought','sold'
            "win": 0,//win count
            "lost": 0,//lost count
            "winLostRate": 0,//win rate
            "trades": [{// pair order list
                "order_id": 1001, //order ID
                "time": 1681111866476,//order time
                "execution_time": 5001,//order execution time
                "slippage": 0,//order slippage
                "type": "buy",//order position type, buy or sell
                "size": "0.10757",//order size
                "fee": 0.19980051799999998,//order fee usdt 
                "price": "1857.40", //order price
                "order_type": "maker",//order type 'maker' or 'taker'
                "action": "BollingerBands_buy_long",//order buy or send strategy type
                "profit": -0.0009999999999999998, //order porfit
                "usdtProfit": -0.19980051799999998,//order profit rate
                "position_side": "long",//order position side 'long' or 'short'
            "lastTradeTime": 0,//last trade time
            "klines": [//Kline data
                    "period_id": "m28018427",
                    "time": 1681105620000,
                    "size": "1m",
                    "close_time": 1681105679999,
                    "open": 1863.3,
                    "high": 1863.38,
                    "low": 1862.22,
                    "close": 1862.22,
                    "volume": 45.16688,
                    "strategy": { //kline data for strategy
                        "BollingerBands_buyCrossCount": 0,//bb buy point count in this period
                        "BollingerBands_sellCrossCount": 1,//bb sell point count in this period
                        "BollingerBands_buy": false,//if bb has buy point
                        "BollingerBands_sell": false//if bb has sell point
                        "middle": 1856.3892857142853,//bb middle
                        "upper": 1858.8566899522384,//bb uper
                        "lower": 1853.9218814763321,//bb lower
                        "pw": 0.26582832134842305,//bb pw
        "status": { //bot status
            "tradeListLen": 1,//watch pair length
            "startCapital": 1000,//start capital
            "currentCapital": 800.10957177,//current useful capital
            "tradeNum": 12,//traded pair number
            "dynamicUsdtProfit": -0.0290142,//unrealized profit
            "dynamicProfit": -0.0000290142,//unrealized profit rate
            "usdtProfit": -0.19980051799999998,//USDT profit
            "profit": -0.000199800518,//profit rate
            "exchange": "mexc",//bot exchange
            "startTime": 1681111671975,//bot start time
            "timeZoneOffset": -480,//server timezone offset
            "status": "work",//current bot status
            "win": 4,
            "lost": 1,
            "winLostRate": 0.8,
            "totalCapital":999.32 //current capital,include profit and unrealized profit

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